Sunday, March 6, 2011

My First Batch of Monteray Jack

For Christmas my in-laws got me a hard cheese-making kit. I have been looking for to making a batch ever since. But we decided it would be best to wait until we got a few necessary accessories. I was very excited when these came in the mail:

(1 lb wax, brush with non-synthetic bristles)

I dropped Noah off at pre-school across the street. Yes, his coat is on backwards. It's a trend he started amongst his posse.

Put Maren in the sunroom

And got to work. 15 cups 1% milk mixed with 1 cup heavy cream. heat it up a little. mix with calcium chloride, rennet, and thermophilic bacteria. lots of waiting around and checking the thermometer. occasional stirring. Cutting the curd. draining the whey. salting. pressing. you know, stuff like that. It was pretty much a whole day process.

Then I had to let the cheese dry on the counter for a day or so. Then wax. It is currently "aging" in my basement. I has to age for at least 2 months before we are suppose to break into it. I don't know if I can handle the suspense. I flip it each day and drain off any juice in the bottom of the bucket.

I feel like I can make a new analogy of faith using the whole cheesemaking process.

"Now, we will compare the word unto a gallon of milk, thermophilic bacteria, rennet, and a little calcium chloride..."

1 comment:

  1. I love this post.
    1. I have been considering trying my hand at cheese making, but Mel has thus far forbade me.
    2. Mark was the king of both inside out and backwards shirts and also has some timeless photos of his jacket backwards.
    3. Who doesn't love cheese?!
    Let me know how it turns out!
