Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

First things first! July 1, 2010 we welcomed Maren Ione (eye-OH-knee) into our family. She is such a sweet and happy baby! We all love to do ridiculous things to get her to laugh. It’s not surprising that Noah is the most successful in the endeavor. She is 5 months old and just about to crawl—time to start baby proofing the house again!

Noah is up to many things these days. He turned three in October and is becoming quite the little man! He goes to preschool twice a week (a co-op between 5 other friends and me), and takes an all-boys dance class. In January he will start a pottery class. Mark and I are teaching him to read and I started teaching him mini piano lessons. He is having a blast—he is so pleased with himself when he recognizes a word he knows on a shirt or when he can find all of the “D” notes on the piano.

Earlier in the year, Mark took his first licensing exam to become a doctor. He did really well—his hard work and hours upon hours of studying paid off! He has a few more months of his third year as a med student. He has completed his neuro/psych, medical/surgery rotations, and pediatrics/OB/Gyn. He finishes up his family medicine rotation in February. We can’t wait—the last several months have been pretty tough! In attempt to get some regular exercise in, despite a busy, irregular schedule, he joined an interfaith volleyball league. His team finished in first place! He also organizes a weekly racquetball club.

As for me, I love being a mom of two. It is fun having a new baby, especially since I get to stay home with her. I keep busy teaching piano lessons, taking Noah to his various activities, going to pottery class, and getting back in shape. I’m always working on some project or other and often have a dozen other projects planned out in my head. For example, this year I planned out and built a square-foot-garden along with some outside benches and a table. It’s sure a good thing I got some energy back after having Maren or else I don’t think I would be able to keep up with our life and schedule. Having a family is A LOT of work but it is the most fulfilling and satisfying thing I have ever done.

I’m especially excited this holiday season to get Noah involved in our own family traditions and teach him about the true reason for our winter celebrations. We kicked off November with a “Thankful Wall” where each day we recorded something he was thankful for. For December we are trying to focus on our Savior’s birth and finding meaningful Christmas gifts to give to Jesus—i.e. giving service and sharing His gospel with others. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that He gave His life so that we can be with our families forever. I am indeed grateful for this!

May you be filled with the Spirit of Christ this holiday season,

The Broadbent Family

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